Computer Backup
You get a FREE Automatic Backup when ordering a Migration Service from Windows XP to Windows 7 or 8 for Home and Business
Our Promotional Price: $0.00 Until 10 GB
Competition Price: $120.00 to $199.99
Our Regular Price: $30.00 Until 10 GB
Current statistics show that one in every ten hard drives fail each year. The cost of recovering a failed hard drive can exceed $1,500, and success is never guaranteed.
Backup is an optional task, but if you don't, your valuable data could be lost some day. A Backup is a must, if you love your data. Many people and small offices don't utilize any backup system whatsoever. This is extremely risky, since a computer's hard drive will inevitably fails. You can lost documents, photos, video memories or invoices, contracts, trade secrets and other files that are essential for doing business
Some people and small offices have a backup hard drive that periodically makes a copy of important files. While this is better than no protection at all, it's still vulnerable to events such as natural disaster, lightning strike, theft, fire, water damage/flooding.
Featured Services
FREE Computer & Laptop Diagnostic
When Ordering Any Computer Repair or Installation Service for Home and Business
FREE Computer & Laptop Backup
When Ordering A Migration Service From Windows XP To Windows 7 or 8
Featured Installation Services
New Computer Installation
Free Computer Tune-Up
Brand new PC is preinstalled with a bunch of special offers and crap software that you will never need
Printer & All-In-One Installation
$30.00 & $60.00
Shared $15.00 & 30.00
Per Computer
Print & Scan from any computer or laptop in your home or office